Originally Posted by dc_dux
Please...then document how they influenced the legislation? How did they influence the "despots" in the WH and Congress?
Or offer any facts that addresses your concern with the legislation and not the same old rhetoric.
I'd suggest instead that you head on over to youtube and watch back to back footage of Obama giving speeches to not only the nation, but also to news reporters, SEIU conventions, AIPAC conventions, etc etc. You'll get all the info you need. I'd also happily post links to all the videos I'd recommend, but I don't have 15 posts yet, and don't feel like subverting rules.
Not videos about these people, but videos of these people saying quite plainly how they believe, in public, on camera, just as a drunk woman would talk dirty to her boss at a party and not even realize it(or realize that her video is on youtube)