Originally Posted by Idyllic
I have always been disappointed with Obama, from the first moment he decided it would be o.k. to acknowledge a withdrawal date, like a sucker punch to our kids over their. Just lost all respect for the man.
If this is what made you lose all your respect for him, then I would suggest that perhaps you haven't been paying attention. The same could be said of anyone who felt "sucker punched" by the announcement of a withdrawal date. He's been pretty clear about his goals as president. It sounds to me like you're disappointed with the fact that he was able to follow through with his goals.
I'm just saying, it you're disappointed with anyone, it should be the leadership of the Republican party for its inability to muster up enough blind, seething, misplaced, fearful, misinformed enmity to successfully stymie the president's efforts. You should be disappointed that they couldn't come up with something more plausible and more fear inducing than "death panels". You should be disappointed that they couldn't come up with something scarier and less familiar than socialism to use as a motivator. You should be disappointed that the Republican party fucked up the country so badly when they were in power that they couldn't help but put the Democrats in a position to pass this legislation. The last person you should be disappointed in is Obama.