Man, get a job. Help out more at home, dishes, offer to cook, yard work, everything. Quit comparing to your sister..... Get A Job...... life is, was, and will always be hard, before, during, and after this recession. If all else fails, doubtful if you really want it, join the military. My husband retired after 23 years and even with all his experience and education and friends and etc.... we still struggled to find employment.
I struggled my whole life to find employment, took crap jobs, worked sales, worked dept stores, worked fast food, WORKED everyday to find and keep work. It won't get any easier until you get out and make it happen for YOURSELF or at least make yourself feel like you are contributing to your family, if you felt this way you would not be posting like this. When your serious about getting somewhere you will draw your own map and stop looking for others to hand you theirs. Good Luck and God Bless. Ain't nothing easy about living, but that's what makes LIFE so Good, if it came easy you wouldn't appreciate it, seems like up to now, things have come pretty easy.
Welcome to adulthood. Wait till the wife comes, the kids come, the hospital bills come, the mortgage comes, the life insurance, health insurance, house insurance, the college fees come. Wait until your health begins to fail and you watch you parents age..... Dude, this time may seem hard, but this is THE Best time of your life, get a hold of yourself and DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE. The more you do to help others the better you will feel about yourself, the harder you will work, the easier life will become, more enjoyable and more successful.
As Nike says, Just Do It!!!! Make me barf..... and all his from a pessimist, and old pessimist who wishes someone had kicked my ass til I got it right the first time. Go Man GO, Here's your Kicking, or you will be kicking yourself, forever......
p.s. My 23 yr old niece just grad from Emery riddle with a degree in Air Traffic Control, she and her husband have a three year old, a 120lb dog, 3 cats, live with her husbands parents, she JUST got a job at a card shop, making min. wage, oh, and she owe, $98,000.00 in college bills, they pay 500.00 a month for these alone. You got it good dude. Start looking around and recognize where you Could be, life could be a whole lot worse, it's all about perspective, get a little.
Last edited by Idyllic; 03-14-2010 at 03:27 PM..
Reason: added more ramblings...