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Old 03-09-2010, 01:54 PM   #12 (permalink)
The Reforms
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Location: Rarely, if ever, here or there, but always in transition
Originally Posted by Reese View Post
As for the original question as to why Spanish speakers aren't watching Spanish TV.. Well, It sucks. There's nothing on but cheap, over-dramatic, Spanish soap operas, Lucha Libre, news and 15 year old movies. At least that's the only thing on the Spanish channels here in Kentucky. We only have a small Hispanic population though.
Yeah, I wanted to make a point about this, too. (though it seemed to veer abit off the point)

Most Spanish television in the US is based in South Florida, New York, and California, and is basically a mish-mashing of what Reese described, along with dozens of horrible sketch comedy-shows, scantily-clad programming (half of which are dating shows), "Judge (Spanish Person)", badly-translated 80s action movies, and game shows. Sabado Gigante is perhaps the best microcosm of what one can expect to find on any given hour on a Latino channel. So, it makes sense to advertise in other places, channels and venues if Spanish-speaking persons ever get tired of the same 10th grade humor and appeal that is so prevalent on their "cultural" channels.

Also, it has something to do with what Wes is describing, in that most of these advertisements have a central theme of "family", and for Latinos, (and most South Europeans, South/East Africans, Eastern Bloc countries, etc) the meaning and bond among their family members is a significant emblem of their lives.

One last thing that may or may not be deemed significant: ten minutes after I submitted my first reply towards this topic last night, I walked across the living room in passing, and I heard Dennis Haysbert doing his daily 'Allstate' spot again, but at the end of his little speech, he stated, "estas in buenos manos".
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