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Old 02-19-2010, 07:09 PM   #30 (permalink)
Crazy, indeed
Location: the ether
Originally Posted by The_Dunedan View Post
What's -truly- interesting is comparing the reactions to this and the recent Alabama Uni. shooting. The suspect was, in fact, a strident and aggressive leftist; an Obama sycophant to such a degree that it is described as "off-putting" even by her friends, colleagues, and family. She was an unbalanced and unstable personality who had already probably murdered one person, may have attempted to murder another, and on at least two other occasions assaulted others in public, yet had potentially escaped consequence through the influence of well-connected family. She then proceeded to go on a killing spree when denied tenure, possibly because she was even too partisan and obnoxious for academia (if such a possibility exists.) Her tirades in public, frequently punctuated (according to witnesses, not always reliable) by declaring her name and various degrees as if demanding deference due to Rank, seem to indicate a profound sense of entitlement as a member of an "elite," a common complaint against the high-handed and patrician tactics and objectives frequently attributed to the Left. Yet nobody calls her a left-wing terrorist; they label what she is: a whack-job. A lunatic of some very dangerous and manifestly vicious sort. Her grudge was against her department; she attacked her perceived persecutors. This man's grudge was against the IRS. He attacked his perceived persecutors.

The difference in treatment is telling, yes?
Please show me where she wrote a manifesto, attributed any of her actions to politics, or targeted who she targeted because of political reasons. Better yet, show me where she was active in any particularly left leaning organizations or forums. Sure, someone in Huntsville, AL anonymously said she was a "far left" person who liked Obama. But the connection between that (if true) and the shooting? Can you show that?

Of course you can't, because this is just more of the typical "omg academics are elitist left wingers," which tells me more about you than her.

The comparison between Hasan and Stack are much more straightforward: both targeted the organizations and their members that they thought were unfairly persecuting them or people like them. Both had expressed their views before. One apparently yelled Allāhu Akbar as he did his thing, the other left a manifesto. And yet the treatment was vastly different.
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