The fact is that the Bible has been written and re-written many times. It has also been translated into many languages.
Within the canoized Bible there are contradictory voices. For example, did Moses lead his people through a shallow "sea of reeds" or did he part the Red Sea. Both versions exist side by side in the Bible on your shelf. It is a direct result of different editorial schools having a go at the text of the stories over time.
Other parts have been reinterpreted through translations produced by translators with a specific world view. Calling Mary a Virgin came from a particular translation. In the original language it's meaning is closer to young girl. In some of Paul's letters, current translations are used to defend keeping women out of the clergy because Paul says, Don't let the women teach. With more complex translation and context, we can see that Paul is talking about a particular group of women that have been lead astray by false prophets (even then they had charlatan's roaming about taking people's money... of course you could also look at it as Paul trying to silence to competition).
In the end, the Bible's meaning is fluid.
While I find it laughable that a conservative group is going to twist it to make it say things that will make them feel better, I am not going to lose sleep over it.
People are going to make of the Bible what they will.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke