Originally Posted by james t kirk
You mean the guy pursued by INTERPOL based on photographic evidence? The guy tried in a Bangkok court who pleaded guilty and received a reduced sentence? I'm not sure what the concern is here. He received his due process in a court system and now he's paying for the crime he committed. I'm not sure what you're getting at here; it seems like a bit of a red herring.
When you do, I'll take your protestations about poor Omar much more seriously. Omar is in the headlines because the left views him as some innocent victim of the George Bush Doctrine and have made him their poster boy. (I just don't happen to care about Omar. Which when you think about it is pretty friendly because "in the good ole days" Omar just would have been shot as the treasonous dirt bag that he is.)
As I mentioned above, the case you linked isn't the same situation by a long shot. Khadr is in the headlines for a number of reasons, including but not limited to:
- He was a minor at the time of his apprehension in a combat zone.
- He was and is a subject of the deplorable operations of the Guantanamo Bay facilities and the American commission operating there.
- The Canadian and American governments have both been found guilty of violating his rights by the Supreme Court of Canada. In Canada's case, specifically, his rights as protected by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
- It has been 8 years, and there is yet to be any semblance of adequate due process of the law.
- There is no indication whether he will face trial or a commission in a timely manner.
Omar will get his day in court. I trust the Americans to do this much. If he's found "Not Guilty" then he's free to go where he wants or can. (Just hopefully not back to Canada.)
We don't know when or how, or whether it will be done so according to internationally acceptable legal processes. And I'm saying it's already too late for that; they fucked it up. Considering Canada's culpability in the inadequate handling of his capture, "interrogation," and now trial, I'm arguing that Canada has waited too long to take over just as virtually every other NATO/G8 nation has when it comes to those brought to Guantanamo.
See I read that article and I see that despite the NDP wording of the Question, 58% of Canadians don't want Omar back in Canada and only 42% do.
I guarantee you if you change your wording to something along the lines of my question, the numbers against repatriating Omar would tip to well into the high 60 percents or even higher.
Where are you getting that 58% number? Because 42% want him processed here and 19% are unsure how it should be handled.
"Do you think that the Canadian government should intercede against the United States on behalf of one Omar Khadr who is being held by the American government after he was captured by NATO troops fighting for Al Qaeda in Afghanistan in fire fight where NATO troops were killed by said terrorists?"
This question would introduce bias into any survey, btw. That's why they don't ask questions like that. If you like to call bias-neutral questioning "NDP questioning," then so be it. I just think that would be a misnomer; the NDP are far more socially progressive and activist than that.
I've travelled far and wide in Canada and I can assure you that Toronto is not the rest of the country (save Vancouver and Montreal). Go into the railway towns, the mining towns, the farming communities, the blue collar towns (you know, the places the Toronto Star doesn't call) and ask them about Omar Khadr and his terrorist family. I guarantee you that you will find no sympathy for him.
Speaking of bias, I'm sure that going into white bread, blue collar towns to pick a sample would yield great results. In case you don't know, Angus Reid, though not at all perfect in their methods, chooses random samples and makes statistical adjustments to reflect the population of Canada when it comes to surveys like these. It's a common thing in statistics. This wasn't a survey of Torontonians.