It is the only viable option.
I am totally disgusted with these mujahadeen freaks, with their blow-up-everybody as an accepted alternative to dialogue. I also am not enamoured with their kill-their-own--girls because there is some bullshit idea of male pride being more important than the lives of their own children, or the burn-girls-with-acid because that is how you treat half the human race when it wants to learn.
Unfortunately,there are hundreds of millions of people that are ok with that shit as part of their way of life. And we have to accept that, because the alternative is war to the death. So we accept it while hoping that the moderates who actually live there can keep the Taliban freaks from destroying/degrading everyone and grinding our future down to some horrific vision as a result of their personal belief system.
I think we will always be stuck with this crap, it is part of the human condition. Maybe the next step after homo sapiens sapiens will figure something out that bypasses the Taliban mindset. I can only hope that the Taliban don't find a way to end the possibility of any future for anyone. I do believe that they would prefer that the entire human race burns to death rather than allow some of us think differently than them.
And now to disengage the clutch of the forebrain ...
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