I would imagine if you know how to hide it well enough you could do most any job while you drink. I used to drink while I stocked shelves in the back of a convenience store...but the manager often hung out and drank with me. When I take live bookings to play bass I'm usually 9 sheets to wind before I ever take the stage. In some places I'll just drink right on stage while I play, others frown on that so I drink in the parking lot or hit the bar between sets or something. I wouldn't want to teach music while I was drunk though, trying to explain theory and technique to a five year old piano student while nipping from a flask and slurring words might not go over so well.
But again I have to say its really dependent on how the person in question can handle alcohol and how conspicuous are when they drink it.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”