I'm still searching, but here's my longshot guess in the meantime:
Shell, are you on this mountain?
Mount Kailash, Ngari region, Tibet
Throughout Asia, there is a myth of a powerful mountain, the navel of the world. Four religious groups - Hindus, Buddhists, Jains of India, and the ancient Bons of Tibet – view the 22,028 foot Mount Kailash as the most sacred pilgrimage site in Asia. For the Buddhists, the mountain's regular form resembles a gigantic natural chorten, a scared Buddhist monument with a square base topped by a dome. To Bonpo, as to Hindus, the swastika was an ancient symbol of power. On the southern face of the sacred mountain, a vertical gully intersecting with horizontal striations in the rock emblazoned the sign for the faithful to witness.
...I think it resembles Pamela Anderson before her last two breast augmentations, and I thought of her since she is right now at the Rite Aid in our neighborhood to promote some new cosmetic product that I offered to rub around on her but they threw me out