What in the blue hell are you going on about?
The revolutionary types are under the spell of laissez-faire capitalism, roach. The NRA and Tea Party folks generally support the movement of power from the government to the market.
and this:
A. Because constructionism is pretense for libertarianism and libertarianism is pretense for market worship.
Market: The free and voluntary exchange of goods and services.
Market Distortion: Anything which impedes the free and voluntary exchange of goods and services.
Collectivism: The ridiculous notion that groups, not (or in addition to) individuals, have Rights.
Corporation: A group (ie a Collective), in this case commercial in nature, insanely recognised by the State as having Rights, these Rights being enforced by violence. This creates a Market Distortion (see above) by insulating the Corporation from Market forces such as boycott, strike, or simple sucky product that drives customers away.
Lots of folks on the Right want Corporations gone every bit as much as folks on the Left do. However, because much of the Left is incapable of or unwilling to accept this fact, (see above quotes or anything by Kieth Olbermann, Ed Schultz, et al ad nauseum) they simply either refuse to acknowledge it or assign to such positions a meaning and purpose which is their exact opposite. This "Peace" becomes "war," "freedom" becomes "slavery," etc etc.