Jet, I hope this forgetfullness bodes well for your future memory. Since your pattern is about the opposite of what I went through from when I was your age until now...that's many many years...perhaps you'll grow older with a great memory. I went from a good memory to a selective memory and now adays it sometimes seems I can't select when to remember what or if I even ever knew what I was supposed to remember.
Also Jet, you hit a raw nerve in my photo organization plans that pisses me off ever since I discovered it!!!! YES! the stupid photobucket setup will totally lose previous links to the image if you change the folder it's in for whatever reason...and as you mentioned, getting more organized is a good reason someone might want to reorganize folders as they grow and accumulate various ideas, concepts, trash. So how stupid is that?....pretty stupid since even the most rudimentary file manager will maintain links to file locations.
The other possibility is that photobucket actually has a way to maintain such linkage and we just don't know about it yet. If I don't forget I'll look into this later.
PS: for better or worse (like marriage, huh?) I just thought of a potential partial organizational option. When you move a pic to a new folder to better organize it, also keep the original pic and its name and location as is, and just copy another copy of it into the new folder. But this uses up storage space on photobucket, and space is money...I already ran out of free storage and upgraded to a paid Pro account so now I have unlimited space of which I've only used 593 MB and my account bandwidth used is 2.3 GB...for about the last five minutes I've been looking at my various pb stats in different ways they have available, interesting. In case you want another something notably forgettable, check this out:
Both of these reflect my pb account stats at this moment, the top one includes another car forum I frequent while the bottom one excludes it