Originally Posted by Shauk
You may ponder your own mortality, but I ponder the mortality of any man put in front of you. Can you kill a man because your country told you to, not knowing the complexity that makes this man a man? What situations and decisions in life he had to make that ultimately put him in your crosshairs?
I can't. Good luck to you.
This would be the main reason i didn't join the military. My own safety really isn't my concern. The military will very quickly make you think of these *men* as nothing but targets to be destroyed. That will be your job. To kill.
I brought this point up to many people and they suggested joining the military as a non-com... but i would still be facilitating the killing of others.
Before you go i would suggest deeply thinking over stuff like this, as well as the reason the US is over in these places killing people. Consider what the real motives are behind these wars and the people who's lives you will be asked to take.
As for the God part, if you are really concerned with what God thinks about war/you you should remember the commandment that tells you not to kill. Remember, this is a *commandment* not a suggestion. It does not say "Thou shalt not kill.. except when X happens."
I find it interesting how religious people, Christians especially, can go out and justify killing. The story that sticks out in my mind the most from the bible is when the soldiers came for Jesus. One of Jesus' disciples pulled his sword to fight the soldiers so they wouldn't take Jesus, cutting off one of the soldier's ears. Jesus told him to put his sword away and (iirc) healed the soldier's ear and then went with them.