Meh, Ashe seems fine to me. If her ult is down, which it usually is cause most people waste it, all she has is 2 skills, only one of which does damage. Volley's DPS (its actually fairly weak, its her auto attack dmg + 70ish but it can't crit) is mostly for last hitting/kbs, so she's basically auto attack with a slow 90% of the time. Easy to use, but hardly OP.
I like this week's roster, annie, cho'gath, anivia, the new udyr, and twisted fate. Mhmm. But I see your point about them missing another tank.
Originally Posted by Lasereth
I think an overwhelming majority of people who play LoL don't buy anything. Not even the retail pack. Even a lot of the pros in the top 500 don't own the retail package, much less the champion's bundle. This is just from what I've seen on the forums though.
Buy/unlock whatever. Everyone I know has bought or unlocked at least several of their favorite heroes if they haven't already bought the game. So i dunno what you're talkin bout. As well, every game I'm in there's almost always at least 2 heroes not on the roster in the game per side (once the newness of the new roster has worn off after a few days).