Too Late I am afraid.
Thread I would like to participate…
Misanthropy is such a cruel label.
Do we really hate Humankind, Mankind?
Are we just disappointed with the Humanity and into what we have evolved as viewed/judged by the actions of the majority of our fellow bipeds?
One could say that we as Humanity (due to our potential) should have used our advanced sophisticated thinking machines with the independent minds and persons behind controls, to develop somewhat more enlightened society.
History is paved with countless graves of failed experiments and best intentions that meant to bring about this shangrila.
No system of rule or Ideological leadership will ever get us there.
No system of education has a recipe for moulding / stamping out free independent thinkers.
Somehow it is my feeling that it is more spontaneous “from within” induced change/leap in perception rather than “from without” imposed process.
I think that, only if the individual members of the society evolve and mature in to enlightened beings by themselves and become free thinkers then and only then we can expect the society to evolve in to enlightened society with its foundations constructed not from indoctrination, one philosophy of thought, blind obedience, forced acceptance and prejudice but rather on certain mutually shared basic understanding and clear thought of what we are, who we are, where we go and why.
But for that we need to adapt both ourselves and our environment and create the most optimal nurturing environment for this steady development.
I do not pretend to know the answers, nor even if I had such excellent recipe for human development would I publish it or start preaching it.
Well, At best I am afraid I would create another church of blind followers of the doctrine without understanding the contents, which would defeat the purpose; At worst I would get chopped up as a heretic which would underscore my reluctance to offer it for general consumption in the first place.
Again all this requires change in the way we think and this change needs to come from within.
Like in psycho analysis and therapy – I am not telling what to think and how to behave, I can assist you on your own way towards understanding and optimisation of oneself with what one would hope to be unbiased, uninvolved opinion that may act as the reality check just because I may have a perception or be trained in what some may considered “normal” as regards to where you may think to be (or where the rest of society thinks and/or is) at the time of reading
All in all
My problem with the humanity is the fact that it is by enlarge enclosed in its own shell of lies and unwilling to admit this uncomfortable truth, thus disallowing for the next step in our evolution towards better things.
That we chose to chop each other’s legs and arms as a way to settle differences;
That the so called socio-cultural and technological “progress” is driven by the need to develop “bigger” gun
And many many other reasons.
But most of all, the greatest grievance is with the generally accepted Hypocrisy.
We sell ourselves certain self induced images with certain positive tinge of ourselves as something that we are, while knowingly being aware that it is otherwise and still refusing to challenge this evident lie to any critique and be open to consider it and make a difference.
We live in a lie, we propagate the lie, and we believe it to be true
Therefore I am upset, unhappy and misanthropic on occasions and feel that it is hard for me while having this perception of things surrounding me to be part of this society and contribute my mind because it is alien to me.
So I am cursed, perhaps enlightened or simply misguided.
Back to the question:
Do we really hate Humankind, Mankind?
Are we just disappointed with the Humanity and into what we have evolved as viewed/judged by the actions of the majority of our fellow bipeds?
Yours truly,
"We forfeit three-fourths of ourselves to be like other people."