Thread: Baseball 2010
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Old 12-22-2009, 11:35 AM   #54 (permalink)
Lennonite Priest
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Location: Mansfield, Ohio USA
Originally Posted by jaymoney View Post
the source is bill madden. and the math ya did is bogus cause ya guessed the numbers sorry that wont do.
And where exactly are your numbers? The attendance figures, local revenue, etc? Hell, I even brought in the FCI. But where are your numbers?

and the sharing of the ticket sales at the gates cancel it self out becuase they make that money back when they are the visiting team so its pointless to even mention it in fact A small market team benefits from that system. im pretty sure when the indians visit fenway or yankee stadium the 25% they rececieve is lot bigger then the one they give. and in pans math he didn't add what the league gives which is 35 million to all teams apart from the luxury tax. from 2007 - present 27 out of the 30 teams reported profits thats fucking great if u ask me oh and one of the teams that reported a loss was yankees. but i probly made that up too.
I was probably generous with my figures. I did give revenue sharing.

The sole reason the Yankess "lost" money or showed a loss is because of their new stadium. By showing a "Loss", they get breaks on the revenue sharing and tax cap because of it.

and that ten percent the league takes is what goes to fund the 400 million dollar pot they use to help the FAT CATS.
Well, if the teams are all financially sound, why would they need that fund?

and as far as selling a team if they were so desprate to sell an the buyers are so scarce why was Mark Cuban denied?
Because MLB like the NFL want quiet owners that do not draw major press scrutiny. Cuban is a jerk, a showman and a publicity fuck. MLB doesn't want that as an owner. I don't blame them. Plus, he may not have had the funding, he may not have wanted to show his net worth... there are many, many factors besides being able to buy a team that figure into MLB. The wrong owner may affect their Anti-trust, may make a mockery of the game. The last "Cubanesque" owners they had were Charlie Finley and Ted Turner. Finley was quite possibly one of the worst owners ever. Ted Turner made his team a mockery until MLB told him to shut up or lose the franchise (much like they did to Marge Schott). The only thing that saved his ass was merging with Time/Warner.

Cuban is a joke. I don't see any MLB owners doing WWE in the near future.

Correct me if im wrong but BaseBall is the most profitable sport at the moment.
They also play the most games. Per event, NASCAR and the NFL have far more attendance. By merchandise sales, the NFL out ranks everyone but the Yankees. NASCAR dwarfs every MLB team in merchandise sales except for the Yankees. So, no I seriously doubt MLB is the most profitable.

But as for net worth every NFL team is worth more than every MLB team except the Yankees. The NFL and NBA are more profitable per team for the owner than MLB. That right there should say something about salary caps.

The NFL was a floundering fish and was no where near MLB popularity until the NFL put in a true sal cap and revenue sharing program.

The NFL plays 10x's fewer games and has 250+ million more in operating funds.

The average value of an NFL team is 1 billion dollars... the average value of an MLB team is 482 million and the NBA is fast catching up.

You take out the Yankees value and MLB probably falls under the NBA.

MLB is hurting, they are bleeding badly. To argue that these owners are making millions while the commissioner tells us there are a few struggling to just make payroll and that MLB has to prop some of them up and give emergency funding to is just out in left field.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"

Last edited by pan6467; 12-22-2009 at 11:46 AM..
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