Thread: Baseball 2010
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Old 12-22-2009, 10:18 AM   #53 (permalink)
Location: nyc
Originally Posted by djtestudo View Post
Where are those quotes from? Did you make them up or do you have a source?

Considering both myself and Pan did the math and you are just throwing out random numbers without citation, why should they be valid? You need to show us where they came from, since right now it looks impossible for both of ours to be accurate.

And Pan, you are correct. It's actually that they are a public corporation with stockholders (mostly the fanbase in Wisconsin), but it means that they have to comply with the same laws as any other publicly-owned business.
the source is bill madden. and the math ya did is bogus cause ya guessed the numbers sorry that wont do.

and the sharing of the ticket sales at the gates cancel it self out becuase they make that money back when they are the visiting team so its pointless to even mention it in fact A small market team benefits from that system. im pretty sure when the indians visit fenway or yankee stadium the 25% they rececieve is lot bigger then the one they give. and in pans math he didn't add what the league gives which is 35 million to all teams apart from the luxury tax. from 2007 - present 27 out of the 30 teams reported profits thats fucking great if u ask me oh and one of the teams that reported a loss was yankees. but i probly made that up too.

and that ten percent the league takes is what goes to fund the 400 million dollar pot they use to help the FAT CATS.

and as far as selling a team if they were so desprate to sell an the buyers are so scarce why was Mark Cuban denied?

Correct me if im wrong but BaseBall is the most profitable sport at the moment.

---------- Post added at 01:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 PM ----------

The packers are own by the city?

---------- Post added at 01:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:12 PM ----------

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