Originally Posted by Fremen
Yup, they're real, alright. ... I learned to be disappointed early on in sex when I discovered the lack of pictures in a Braille Playboy. ... If a blind man says he only reads Playboy for the articles, you can take that to the bank. 
I still refuse to believe it because it just doesn't compute in my mind. I'm imagining myself with darkened shades, a grin on my face, one hand stowed away and the other furiously roving over a pictureless magazine! DOES NOT COMPUTE!!f
Originally Posted by bazkitcase5
I just wish checkers would get the respect that chess gets. Comments like "this isn't checkers" or "this is chess, not checkers" really piss me off. It is obvious when a person makes a comment like this that they have no idea how much there really is to checkers.
They require similar strategical qualities and look ahead skills, but from what I've read, chess tends to be more analytical, while checkers tends to be more math based. The best checker players who ever lived were all good at math. The best that ever lived had his PhD in Mathematics.
I wish I could explain more, but if anybody was truly interested, I'm sure I could find several sources and interested readings on this.
Sorry to thread drift. I really like chess too, but everybody already knows all about chess.
I have to be honest with you, I used to play checkers and I have played every variation of it. It is a standard rotational strategy. I have won every single game when I realized how to keep the back wall out of focus and maintain a proper offensive. It all occurred to me very fast and frankly I might have been playing with very ordinary people but I beat everyone I enountered even online.
With chess, however, the variables are STAGGERING! I take eons before I decide on a proper move that will both effect offense and defense at the same time. Even then when I am playing with a novice, I end up overthinking it and been defeated. Chess IS harder than checkers. No matter how you want to spin it.