Originally Posted by Tophat665
@ Eden: It is even more appropriate for horses to tell you to fuck a hat with a fucking miller light logo, and they are fucking pissed off having to piss into those dinky fucking bottles. (Drink what you like, man, I wouldn't hold it a-fucking-gainst you. Doesn't mean I won't make fucking fun of it from time to time.)
Originally Posted by Fly
i could soo fucking go off on the beer thing right now.........you know,the fucking part about we (Canadianians) piss out better fucking beer than Miller but.......i fucking won't.
One fucking word for you fuckers. College, Fucking college. When you have $12 bucks to get as much beer as you possible can? You buy cheap and in great fucking quantity. I like fucking GOOD beer. I drink the best beer I can afford at the time. When you have no fucking money, you drink what you have too. My cheap beer of fucking choice is High Life. Does it taste like fucking watered down piss? Yes. Did I drink a fuck ton of it in college? Yes.
Look at it this way. I got $12. I can either, buy a nice 6-pack, which runs around $9 fucking around here and be fucking sober. Or I can buy a fucking 24-pack of high life and get wasted. The question comes down too... Do you want to get drunk or not?
Elitist fuckers.