I actually think everything boils down to some kind of truth, or reason, or logic, or faith; in effect they're all the same. This is coming from my own perspective of a real live person btw, and not some system (as I have occasionally argued from in the past, big difference). Anyways, they're all just based on different types of meaning, which is all us humans can really do, apply meaning. We aren't true machines of logic.
What I'm kind of trying to say is that we invented rationale in the first place, we are therefore by definition rational in one way or another. We may not always be able to recognize that in each other because our view points can be in such different areas, but that doesn't change the fact we are still all rational. Of course we can be wrong, but individual instances of being wrong does not change our overall rational systems.
If you think about it religion is based on the truth that we are small creatures in a huge and amazingly incomprehensible (as a whole) universe, therefore there *must* be some kind of higher power. Now most religions go a little nuts in my opinion on the details after that, but essentially I still think they're on to something. I don't consider faith to be based entirely without reason. Life is too amazing to imply otherwise. Overall there is less difference in how a religious human perceives the world vs an atheist person and a dog.
I think that came out a bit funny, I mean with all our differences we are all far far far far similar to each other than any other species and I think we like to fool our selves quite a bit when we point fingers and get into arguments or worse (war) with each other over our little imperfect perception systems.