'Silly Celebrities'. it's simple. it's a word coagmented. it's an endeavor.
A topic I have wanted to create for the longest time, yet had no inkling of how to will it into fruition. I don't know how long this can last, but one has to try, at least.
If you wish to help this topic spawn along, here's the basic formula:
1. Find a celebrity. One with personality, all the better. (Comedians are more goofball than, say, sports owners. Build off that.)
2. Make sure they have been photographed. (deal-breaker)
3. Post the picture here. (overall aim)
Those are the basics above, here are the staples:
4. Try your darndest to find the most superb, hilarious, candid, awkward and/or rollicking picture available.
-- best tip:
If it doesn't make you smile, it's just not worthwhile.
5. Find a trusted resource. And
No Hotlinking. Host it on your Photobucket, Flickr, Tumblr, whatever. Please. Longevity is key.
-- try any and/or all of the following to aid your search:
getty collection,
associated press, offbeat forums, pop blogs, et al.
6. If it is within your means, (an expendable time of 3 minutes, maximum) please properly annotate the photographic content.
-- infotrivialities: provide a name(s), situation, date, original author (the photographer), and to whom rights belong (copyright).
7. Above all else, have some fun. It's a scavenger hunt; it's a cornucopia of outré antics; It's an exhibition of curious luminaries (however loosely). Make it brighter.
Thank you to any audience members who have beared with me so far. On with the aforementioned program. Enjoy.

From left to right: Jonah Hill, Sophia Bush, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Michael Cera
Photo date: 26 August 2007 © WireImage.com
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P.S. This is a 'Safe for work' thread. Please respect this stance.