Interesting, I could have *sworn* I saw -35% a few weeks ago for premades. Thanks for clearing that up.
What does Elo stand for? I've asked this before and never gotten a straight answer

With this talk of councils and whatnot sounds like some conspiracy lol
*All* else being equal, which should I go for, armor or magic resist?
Oh, and is there some exp hack? If I suspect someone is hacking, is there anything I can do? I was in this game yesterday were a tristana would go missing from the map (said he was jungling) then come back with several levels. He/she got to level 18 somewhere around the ~20 minute mark when everyone else was still lvls 9, 10, and 11 (BOTH teams). Everyone was like, wtf? She wasn't fed, only had 3 or 4 kills at the time, didn't have jungling items, etc. I've never seen anyone level anywhere close to that fast.