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Old 12-07-2009, 12:34 PM   #118 (permalink)
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Location: The Cosmos
Yar, nasus has always been good. I actually got bored with him fairly quickly though for some reason even though he is basically my perfect character and the one I have always done best with. The new tryn is amazing. I can't wait to try him out. If your vs a competent tryn you *must* keep him CC'd and because of his invuln ult you basically have to wait and focus fire him last. This makes him almost an odd hybrid of tank-DPS/carry. He is Yi on steroids (i.e. useful). He obviously cant run down stragglers like Yi but his ult is 10x more useful in a competitive team fight. I have already seen it single handedly win several (because the team doesn't realize he poped his ult and wastes several valuable seconds beating on him).

My main prob with anti heal so far is that heal itself is too weak late game. I think all heals actually need a bit better AP ratios and slightly higher bases as well. I'd also give character based anti heal skills twice the dura of items like executioner. Seems kind of weak that you can get that same dang thing for ~1400 (plus crit plus lifesteal plus DoT). Sometimes I even get that on teemo for the lawls even when they don't have healers, cause I almost always get 1 or 2 kills from the extra dot from it.

I actually like playing chars like soraka and taric but I feel too weak end game. Early to mid game its great and awesome. But late I feel nothing more than a regen battery and near useless in the deciding team fights (of course, part of that I know is my play style, but I think the lack of sorakas and tarics speaks for itself).

So how does exp/ip work with ATs/premades? I was just playing a game with warstriker and didn't notice the normal -35% part but the numbers did seem low (86/64) so I'm wondering if they just don't show the -35% part anymore and it still applies or did they take away the exp/ip penalty of AT games?

Last edited by Zeraph; 12-07-2009 at 01:27 PM..
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