Tha Strange Famous talking is the evidence that talking without considering any evidence, every opinion can be elevated to reasonable fact.
Nothing to blame: that was the error of many philosophers, but in the 21° century maybe you should consider to study a little more what is an evidence and what are the basis of the modern logic and dialectics.
In the 21° century you CAN'T TELL that there are Evidence of a Human (and only human) Soul. Because, whatever you define "Soul", there are Evidence of that presence also in Animals. That is the de Cartes argument, 500 years old and stinks like a rotting corps. I know that is very famous point of view, but is completly in conflict with what we know.
Science don't tell that "There isn't a Soul because there is no evidence" or "There is no evidence for the existence of god, therefore, there is no reason to believe in the existence of god.".
Science tell that "There is no evidence for the existence of god" so is out of my buisness. I cannot state anything about that and I don't really care.
You wanna belive in god and soul and other stuff? Science got nothing to do, not even in negating it! In fact Science start with the assumption "Etsi Deus non Daretur" (but is a more complicated matter), in little words it state only that God, Soul, Ghost and all META-Physical (in Greek means beyond-Physics! How can Physics tell stuff about things that are beyond it?!) stuff doesn't systematically interfere with experiments and natural measures.
You are fighting a your PERSONAL idea of science
Originally Posted by Strange Famous
It is entirely appropriate to teach religious views in schools and museums - Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, and every other major religion. Each of these religions has a story about creation that is important for understanding human culture. These theories should not be taught as facts, but as idea's and beliefs - just as the accidental universe, or human development created by ET are beliefs can be taught as a belief.
In this I completly agree. You don't have religion classes where you live?
Originally Posted by Strange Famous
It is not appropriate to tell children we know what the soul is, what the origin of humanity is, the universe - these things cannot be taught as facts because they are not known as facts.
We know what is a certain definition of a Soul, and so we can scientifically talk about it in a phsicological or antropological point of view. Science cannot surely talk about Soul in a religion point of view as "the thing that remain when you die". He cannot even state it doesn't exist: is not a Science's buisness, is not what can be studied with the scientific method.
We know about the origin of humanity and the universe following a huge amounts of facts and tailoring theory upon them. The only way that humanity has been able to tailor a theory that fit all the facts collected in centuries about the origin of species is the theory of evolutions, the only way that humanity has been able to tailor a theory that fit all the facts collected about the origin of the universe is the Theory of the Big Bang.
These are the best explanation we can give at the present state-of-the-art Science, and sorry if it's a small thing...