i dont see an issue with boxing tele.i did some boxing back in my day, and you dont have to spar anybody if you dont want to. you could go a year doing speedwork and cardio only..unless you want her to stay the hell away so that she doesnt end up being a proffessional boxer....thats a different story
i did tae kwon do for 5 years also. its good for flexibility and self confidence. sadly my instructor was a total tosser and made everyone feel like shit.
my passion was always running, but i was always best at swimming and could have made it to the olympics at some point. it's probably why i teach kids how to swim in my spare time...unfulfileld potential..
if you want pretty much injury free sport, swimming is the way to go. not only does it give you a cardio work out, but can be used to save oneself (and others), so there's added bonuses. the ONLY thing i didnt like about swimming was the constant boredom of training at a high level and 'following the black line' at the bottom of the pool.
maybe try the girl guides or scouts on weekend for interaction between kids?
at the end of th day, its really up to what the kid enjoys. no matter how much you want your kid to do well and be happy with a chosen sport, if they dont like it, it'll never last.
ill put my kids in running, swimming and tennis, and maybe some kid of self defence, probably ju jitsu.
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere
I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay?
- Filthy