Blame Obama for Sky-High Unemployment -
So, I could have put this in the politics section, but it also fits in here.
Do you think the Obama administration has any control over private companies? Are the private companies CEOs & boards guessing that taxes are going to go up and are cutting back jobs, or are workers becoming too efficient and are eliminating their own jobs? If I make a machine that doesn't need human interaction and can work 24/7, that means a few people aren't going to need to have a job anymore(and the company won't need me unless there are more machines that can be developed). And since I'm not in a Union, I can be let go at any time they don't have work (and don't benefit from my machines that are still working).
And the jobs that are left are pretty basic (there were more cooks in the Taco Bell today than customers, I could take care of that with a few simple machines

). It is hard to tell if the stimulus stopped millions of people from losing their jobs (I think it would have been a little better to have waited 6 months to pass the stimulus bill looking back). Then again, millions more are living how I live (very cheaply and spending less), I still don't see anything close to a 'Great Depression' that the media thinks is happening.
Do you think the government can do anything to create or promote industries (computers in 90s, DotCom in late 90s, housing in mid 2000), that were the driving force to get us out of the last downturns? Is it only tax rates and spending that determine if the job market is good? Or has the economy changed from one where millions of farmers were once required can now be done by a fraction of that. A factory can be run with hundreds of machines that don't complain, aren't taxed, and hardly stop.
edit: I forgot to add this article I saw today.