Originally Posted by BadNick
on a related note, can you transfer directly from one player to another, or do you have to load it onto a PC and then reload to the new player?
btw, ol' granpa, I was 19 yo when you were born...so I'm old enough to be your dad.
98% of the time, it's the latter (PC is the hub, handheld players are the musical spaceships). But, I'm not sure how the
Zune Media Player works exactly, but it does tout some sort of wireless "friends" feature, where if another person within, say 30 yards of you also has a Zune, and you both realize this and say to each other, "No way, dude! We both have Zunes!", one or the other participant can transfer a song, playlist, artist, whatever to your media player for you to listen to for a week and/or 3 "full listening times", whichever may come first. After that, the song information is stored, but it may prompt you to buy the album, artist from the Zune Store thereafter.
I could be making this up nebulously, tho.