Snoddi quickly guzzled a little, to calm his nerves, but when he got back upstairs, he fainted dead away.
"I'm worried about him," said Runni.
"Me too," said Stallion.
"I'm not," said Silenus, "he can man-up, or get off the horse."
"But I was hoping he'd be here for this," cried Desiree.
"Me, too, Sis. His fainting makes me question my own fortitude."
T.C.O.S. & Gym Cansoray came up to the theater of operations, sidestepping poor Snoddi.
"Should I boil some water?" asked Gym.
"I'll get some towels," said Cuz, "& call 911, just to be on the safe side."
"Do something with all that venison, will you?" he added
Last edited by Ourcrazymodern?; 10-09-2009 at 06:28 PM..