lol I love reading this stuff.
Originally Posted by levite
That said, I did also have to get my gall bladder removed some years ago, and while I wasn't sick, per se, nor was the recovery time so long, it hurt like hell's own bitch. The gall stone was apparently huge. Getting hit in the nads with a bad bounce from a ground ball, even getting kicked in the nads, was nothing compared to how much that hurt. My mom, who'd had the same thing happen to her years before, told me after I got mine out that hers had hurt worse than childbirth. That was bad.
I also had my gb removed. 2 summers ago. I'd been having problems for years with horrible pain in my upper abdomen that would come out of nowhere. Sent me to the ER every time. After a few ultrasounds over the course of maybe 4 years, they just decided to take it out even tho it didn't look diseased or full of stones or anything. Afterwards, the doc did say there were loads of tiny stones in there - not even the u/s picked them up. So I'll definitely be ok now. Recovery sucked but wasn't too horrible. Just hate the scars now. So much for my cute belly button ring. 2 weeks after surgery, I was back in the ER with the same pain. I'm currently seeing my 4th gastroenterologist who believes it's a severe case of IBS that I get every so often. No other explanations. But the pain - omfg - I kick and cry like a child sometimes.
Originally Posted by GreyWolf
...I DO NOT react well to Benadryl. It is an incredibly powerful OTC drug. Hitch's reaction wouldn't be atypical. I ended up in a trance... it was like thinking through mud. Just forming an idea/intent took an effort. Physical movement at a snail's pace was a major triumph. I cut the dosage on the second day, and even now, half a tablet affects me for a day (adult dosage is 2 tablets every 4-6 hours).
Oh, and I make sure *I* cook all the pork now.
Would you believe folks are now getting high off of Benedryl? By taking 12-13 at a time, it creates the effects you described. I won't bullshit - I'll admit I've tried it. And I didn't like it. But it's interesting to me that a regular dose affected you like you took loads more. And just so you know, most sleep medications, like Sominex or Unisom, contain the same active drug as Benedryl - diphenhydramine - but in a stronger dose. So stay away from those too.
And btw, pork is my favorite meat 2nd to red meat. mmmm...