Originally Posted by dksuddeth
I'm a middle of the road American, having neither unyielding conservative principles nor unwavering liberal principles. Having somewhat close acquaintances involved with the TEA organizers on a grassroots level, I have alot in common with these people. Most of those people aren't much different than I am.
---------- Post added at 11:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:27 AM ----------
and you, Halx, will be one of the reasons why the further slide down to violent outbursts will occur. It will get uglier and it will get violent because you wish to ignore these people. Again, they are not only not being represented, but they are also being ignored. A volatile mix for people in this country that are armed.
These people are clearly not being ignored. They are being covered quite well by the media in both the townhall meetings and this rally. There comes a time when you have presented the truth, argued the facts in a clear way, and if people still refuse to believe reality that is their fault and the rest of the country must move on without them.