Originally Posted by dc_dux
Most of the centrists in this country hardly share your libertarian views which might explain why libertarians have never had wide spread popular support.
Much of the participation in these theatrical events is at the urging of the right wing talking heads or the sponsorship of right wing advocacy organizations. These, for the most part, are not spontaneous events. They are orchestrated, promoted, organized and funded by the right.
fuck it, again. you guys are right and i'm wrong as usual because i'm a Libertarian or some stupid shit while you 'progressives' have all the answers.
no warning goes heeded. no advice gets taken. y'all think you got it handled by ignoring or disrespecting a whole group for the thoughts and/or ideas of a few.
far be it from me to impede your efforts at ostracizing other americans who aren't as smart as you guys are.
---------- Post added at 11:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:45 AM ----------
Originally Posted by Halx
Dude, I think I spoke fairly clearly by explaining that these people are largely represented. In fact they are OVER-represented.
no again. you THINK these people are largely represented because you NEED to believe that it's all being orchestrated by fox news, glen beck, and rush limbaugh. you couldn't be farther from the truth. Those organizations might be the providing vehicle, but they do not represent the views of all of those people. something you refuse to see I guess.
Originally Posted by Halx
They are just pissed off because their side is losing despite it all. Boo fucking hoo. Maybe if they learned what the issues REALLY were and how they are affected by them before they started to rally, we'd have more to discuss than the fact that they're batshit crazy.
how long have most of you 'progressives' dismissed my issues out of hand and why? you guys really need to shake yourselves out of the snowglobe you've stuck yourselves in to preserve your version of reality. You're going to get a rude awakening soon if you don't.