Originally Posted by dlish
is the synagogue a male dominated place of worship? or are women welcomed and on equal standing?
can women becomes rabbis?
how does the heirachy work? is there a clergy set up like christiandom?
In synagogue both men and women are equally welcome, men have more of an obligation to pray at synagogue then women (women are on a higher spiritual level then men, and have different obligation then men). Since there is no 'erev' in my community and I have a baby, my wife stays home, and if she had wanted to go to synagogue I would go to early morning services then my wife would go to the one right after.
First off to define a Rabbi is someone who passes a test, has 'x' amount of knowledge, and there is different types of tests, meaning different degree of knowledge. Orthodox Jews only the men become Rabbi's, and study some of these things.
We have no real official hierarchy. Chasidim have their Grand Rabbi who they follow for every question they have. But there is no official pope or anything like that. But there are Rabbi's whose brilliance shine that they become the person who everyone comes to for questions. An example was
Rabbi Moshe Feinstein zt'l.
Now 'Priest' in Judaism, is the group from the tribe of Levi (one of the 12 sons of Jacob), who did the work int he temple. They still have a special part in services, and a special role, but that is very different from a Rabbi.