I've used the foaming hornet spray that they sell at Lowes several times successfully. It's the stuff in an aerosol can that can shoot 25 feet. I found the best time, or at least most convenient for me, was to spray the entrance to the nest early in the morning. It's the temperature, not the light, that that makes them inactive and early morning before the temperature starts going up is when they are the least active, I've found.
You don't have to use the whole can at one time -- it doesn't do anything more after you have put the fumes in and around the hole. I have watched hornets coming back to the nest plunge right into the foam and die. They're instinct-driven. After a while, I'll spray some more and catch the ones that were outside the nest that come back and buzz around the hole. In a few days, all signs of them are gone. So gasoline, no fire . . . and no stings!
This stuff also works great for the little hives you see being build under eaves, etc. One shot usually is enough for those. Your mileage may vary.......
Also, those yellow plastic traps work well to get rid of the pests that bother you when you're trying to enjoy a meal on the patio or sit outside. I have tried all kinds of homemade baits (sugar water, apple juice, etc.), but the most effective by far is the attractant they sell to be used with these traps. Put it on a cotton ball and it works for several weeks. I've dumped trapsful of dead bees, mostly hornets, without having to change the cotton ball.