Originally Posted by Crompsin
Men prefer visual mediums for sexual arousal and masturbation release. Porn is that visual medium. ZOMG.
I made the mistake of keeping porn in a desktop folder labeled 'PORN.' That totally didn't go over well with a snooping ex.
My current approach to women / porn is, "You buy shoes. I look at porn. Fucking deal with it, you body conscious prude."
Also: Anytime a women tells me her partner doesn't look at porn? I belly laugh like I've got earplugs crammed deep.
Wife doesn't care much, yet I hide it to a small degree. i don't delete my history, but I don't open it in front of her either. Whatever that means.
I subscribe to playboy. We both read it. It's not what I consider porn, but it's on the counter in the guest bathroom. If they see it, they can infer whatever they will. Parents and siblings alike will know we read it. If a priest came over, he would know as well. Not that a priest would likely come over, but that's how we are. We don't really keep any other "porn" or nude images, digitized or otherwise.