Todd, out of curiosity, what country were you in? i have no problem with people eating or drinking in front of me. mostly because i grew up in the West. here in the middle east its a little different. people are iffy about others drinking and eating in public and most food shops close during daylight hours.
lucifer, good question
if you break your fast intentionally, you need to make it up. now there's two sides to this. If you break it intentionally and you have a reason (ie. you are sick for example) then you need to make up the day after the month is over.
If you medically cant fast at all because you're diabetic, or you have stomach ulcers etc then for each day that you cannot fast you need to pay in charity the equivelant of one meal to a poor person, or buy the actual meal itself and give it to the needy. so in the case of a diabetic person who cannot fast, they'll give in charity roughly $300 (30 days x 10 dollars per meal)
If you break it intentionally and you have no excuse, i cant recall exactly, but i think its fasting 30 days for every day you missed intentionally. again if you are unable to do this, a penance to the equivelant of one meal per day. i will need to check the number of days, it may be slightly higher.
if you broke your fast unintentionally, where like you said you licked a spoon or finger, then thats counted as a freebie and you do not need to fast another day.
theres been countless times where as a kid i opened the fridge and drank chilled water till my hearts content because i had forgotten. i'd realise when my brother or mother would ask me what i was doing! this usually happens in the first few days of ramadan, and after that you kind of have it in the back of your mind. but yeah, there no need to repeat any days if you truely forgot!
thanks BG and jewels!
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere
I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay?
- Filthy