Originally Posted by Daniel_
That's the point. It's NOT sad. My father (who I care about deeply) was made miserable by doing "what he ought to".
I understand what you mean - wasn't saying 'oh it's too bad they didn't try.' I just hate to hear about any divorce, unless there's some sort of abuse or cheating involved. It's great your parents are both happier now.
Originally Posted by Suzz04
PS woodS I forgot to mention..... she had left her husband and was staying with me when it started.... Got a S/O in the house? I wouldn't recommend letting your best friend or such to stay longer than a couple of days. Maybe not at all.
This slut was breaking up with her bf of 4 years. She started spending the night. Started with a couple nights / week then it turned into every night. When she wasn't around, I pitched a fit to him saying I didn't want her living with us, etc. Of course, he stood up for 'poor her and her unfortunate situation.' I will never allow anything like this to happen again.
Last I heard, they're still together. Glad I could help. pft.
I am over him completely though. It's the situation that I'm still aching over. Being screwed, in general. Fuckerz.
Originally Posted by snowy
Divorce rates have increased since the introduction of no-fault divorce (1950-1970), certainly, but the per capita rate of divorce (number of divorces per 1000 people) has actually decreased since 1980. General divorce rates have actually held fairly steady since the 1970s. Additionally, marriages that end in divorce last about 7 years on average.
They've decreased slightly, but not by much. I found a killer graph last night that showed where it shot sky high and pretty much held steady. But I didn't post it because I didn't want to derail too badly.
Originally Posted by snowy
I'm sorry, woods, but you're buying into the idea that somehow yesterday was better than today. I see plenty of long-term marriages surviving today. My parents have been married for 27 years, and I fully expect them to stay married until death separates them. My SO's parents are the same, and his family is full of similar, stable marriages. I also see marriages break apart; divorce has touched both of our extended families, but in both cases, the divorce was for a good reason, and certainly not for any lack of trying. People don't throw in the towel on a 25+ year marriage without a good reason. Regardless of how long a marriage has lasted, the alternatives must outweigh the costs for divorce to take place.
I'm with you on everything you said here. It's not like 100% of marriages are ending in divorce. Of course there are those that will last. And I said earlier that no, I don't necessarily believe divorce is always a bad thing.
Originally Posted by snowy
The real reason why divorce rates seem higher is because of the introduction of no-fault divorce. Prior to no-fault divorce, it was very difficult for women in particular to get out of bad marriages.
I'll agree that this is 'a' reason. But not 'the' reason.
Originally Posted by MSD
June Cleaver would never cheat on me, but I'm pretty sure she wouldn't react very favorably if I suggested she strap on some gravity boots and 69 while hanging upside down.
I dunno - she always struck me as a dirty, dirty gutter slut.
Originally Posted by MSD
I see why you see me as on the fence, but I think you also seem to be. I want my relationship based on mutual trust but don't really find the traditional way of doing things appealing, while you like the traditional marriage and family idea (which comes with loving each other till death do you part,) but are afraid it won't work out that way and worry that your worst fears are true.
Originally Posted by MSD
I think this is one of those things where we have to agree to disagree. I hope you find someone who never makes you suspicious enough to want to snoop, because it sounds like some people in the past have screwed you over pretty badly and you blame your "choices in men," and probably at least subconsciously feel responsible, which you shouldn't.
That's very sweet (and true) of you to say. Thank you.