Part of it has to do with how afraid many conservatives/Republicans/evangelicals are of President Obama and part of it is that the Democrats haven't been good at asserting themselves in well over a generation.
Barack Obama is half black, his middle name is Hussein, he's slightly to the left of Bill Clinton, and he happened to take office during a time when nationalization of certain market entities is the only real way to go to prevent decades of recession/depression. He's the perfect storm of scary leftism, and he's easy to caricature by those on the right. The hilarious thing (at least imho) is that he's not really all that liberal. He's a centrist, he plays a lot of things safe, and he's not quite as powerful a leader as we need right now. It makes me wonder what the right would be doing if we elected a Franklin D. Roosevelt instead of a Jimmy Carter.
As far as the Dems are concerned, Clinton, who is to be perfectly honest more of a centrist than a liberal, only did as well as he did because he demonstrated this interesting combination of fiscally conservative and socially moderate that was closer to the comfort zone of the right. Until he had a sex scandal. For some reason, most Democrats only have testicular fortitude when they have support from the left, the center, and the right. Without that, they're quivering masses of insecurity and fear. This, more than anything else, is why I'm not a Democrat.