Who is to blame for the health care lies?
As a normal American, all I am really concerned about when it comes to health care is how much I will have to pay. I already know I can get cheap, crappy healthcare as it is, so why would I worry about another crappy option becoming available? All I care about is getting my money's worth and that's all a politician has to sell me on for me to buy in. However, politicians aren't going that route - they're creating lies and trying to scare me.
How do I know they're lies? Because they are ridiculous and actually no worse than the shit we're in currently. Death panels? Don't they already have those? Don't we hear all the time about how treatment is denied and people die as a result? Don't we know that the leading reason for bankruptcy is uncovered medical expenses?
It seems like the motivation for argument against a healthcare reform is a last gasp for credibility. That's why it is getting so ugly and MORONIC. Politicians are playing on our fears, not our actual concerns. Do we blame them though? We know that a politician will get away with as much as they can as long as they know it'll work. Until someone stands up and calls them out on their bullshit, we can expect them to try to pull the wool over our eyes.
So can we blame the media for not even questioning the rhetoric? Are they not allowed to report the actual facts in comparison with the message? A huge problem with BULLSHIT is that it is often dismissed by opponents because they assume that it is so ridiculous that it would do more harm to acknowledge it. Well that is wrong - bullshit grabs hold and drags you down if you don't keep it in check. We saw that with John Kerry and the swiftboat deal - a whole bunch of nonsensical bullshit that was ignored and eventually hurt his credibility.
Am I failing to see another side to this?
Whose ass can be put to the fire to put an end to the deception?