While I would not expect any level of agreement on your part as we have different political ideologies, I appreciate the fact that you asked the questions that were only ever so slightly condescending.
I am a Libertarian. I believe the federal government should build roads and ports for the sake of interstate/international commerce; maintain an army and defend our borders; maintain relationships with other nations; and settle disputes among states. I believe all social programs from gay marriage, to abortion, to retirement programs, to drug legalization, insurance programs, welfare, education, health care, et al. should be state funded and state specific. I believe citizens should live in the state with the correct mix of taxation/benefits.
Having said that, you can see that Obama's entire ideology would be counter to mine. Hence, his failing to enact anything he wishes would bring the country closer to what I see as ideal. I also sincerely believe that my view of how the government should work (see above) would provide the most opportunity and prosperity for the people. One can also see that I don't care any more for the Republican party than I do the Democrats.
So, there's my answer. I accept that yours is different and that yours is wrong.

There's no reason to debate the merits of them as I seriously doubt we will ever agree.