Originally Posted by dippin
Where, exactly, in the bill you linked to, are any of Palin's allegations? Where do you find any language that states "when a person would cost more to fix than they would bring into the State through taxes, fines, fees...they don't get fixed, or at best become a lower priority?"
This is the comical aspect of this debate. If a healthcare reform failed because of its merits (or lack thereof) it would be one thing. But if it fails because of absurd spin even by people who have claimed to read the bill, then its a tragedy.
So I am calling your bluff, the bluff of waving the bills and making false claims about what it contains: where exactly is anything you and Palin claimed to be true in there? In fact, section 102 of the bill, one of the first, clearly shows that everything that Palin et al are claiming is a complete and total lie.
Currently in Medicare there are medical practitioners that opt into Medicare and there are some that opt out. There are some that accept the Medicare "usual and customer" payment and some who don't. Medicare has standard protocols for common treatments that they reimburse or pay based on that national standard. If an individual's treatment involves a doctor who has opted out, or bills more the "usual and customary", or goes outside of the standard treatment protocol for common conditions, the cost has to be paid by the individual. This forms one of the basis' for the "death panel" concern.