Originally Posted by aceventura3
I don't think children can make informed choices regarding sex. I think the law agrees with me. I think children should abstain from having sex. I think children should be given an education based on the science of sex.
I think children should be taught more than the science of sex, for one reason, the more you tell someone they shouldn't do something, the stronger the pull for them to do it becomes. It doesn't matter if you encourage sex or not, children should be armed with all the facts, so they do not grow up believing/knowing what they hear from their peers (if her pulls out early there's no way you can get pregnant, anal sex is the only way you can get AIDS, etc).
Originally Posted by Willravel
While I respect your opinion, when weighed against the real data it would seem that those children that are taught about contraceptives and responsible sex practices are less likely to be infected with STDs and are less likely to have an accidental pregnancy. Abstinence, on the other hand, has repeatedly been demonstrated to have the opposite effect.
I agree.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
However, children do not have the capacity to make mature informed decisions regarding [having sex], we have certain laws applying to children that don't apply to adults.
What are we calling 'mature'? There are people, under the age of 15, who are taking care of their family, working two jobs, raising children, and doing a number of other things that would make their maturity equal to or higher than mine. There are 30 year olds out there with the same mentality of your average 9th grader.
Originally Posted by ratbastid
So, you're changing your position on sex education, in this last post? Now you think children SHOULD be taught in school that abstinence is morally right. Before you thought the science should be taught in school, and moral issues should be left to the parents.
I was taught both in my high school Health classes. Well I agree that (mainly, because my mother didn't feel the need to say anything about sex except "An hour of joy, if it lasts that long, is not worth a lifetime of pain [if you have a kid]" was not really enough) I feel that parents should be teaching/discussing things with their children. 'What did you learn in health today?' 'Well did y'all talk about such and such.' But if the child has parents like mine, they need to be able to get this information from somewhere.
Originally Posted by ratbastid
Palin feels it should be the job of the nanny-state public schools to inculcate abstinence as the only valid means of staying free of disease and offspring ...
Yes, people are LESS likely to get diseases and become pregnant. I was taught there is no such thing as 'safe sex' now days, only SAFER sex. Because condoms, BC pills, and other things can fail. And as an adult, I am grateful for the knowledge.
On the side of the discussion, I wish I paid more attention to the news, because I know very little about Palin and/or her stance on sex education, outside of the posts in this discussion.