You'll want to decide between tortoise or turtle first off. Here are the pros and cons of each based on my experience.
Kept indoor for easy watching
very fun to watch them chase the feeder fish
Tank can be a decor item for you home as well as a pet holder
horrible stench
takes significant effort to keep the tank clean
setting up the tank takes some real thought to prevent drowning
gold fish can be a pain to buy and keep as food
get sick easily when bought from pet store
Can be fed leftover vegetable items, including melon rines, lettuce stems/stalks etc
Can live indoors or out
Some species hibernate making it cheaper to feed them in winter
some (sulcatas) can grow to be big enough for small children to ride and can be fed dog food as a supplement to change the shape of their shells
Eat vegetables, which aren't always in season
can get diseases easily
may outlive you
can wander off and get lost