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Old 07-27-2009, 01:44 PM   #14 (permalink)
Still Free
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Location: comfortably perched at the top of the bell curve!
First of all, I have never been to a strip club where there wasn't touching. It always says "No touching", but there always is. That is a simple fact and you need to be realistic about that part.

Secondly, Martian is most likely incorrect about your medical absences being okay as long as they are documented. Many states are right to work states, and if you can not meet the requirements of your job description, you can be fired. It doesn't matter "why" you can't meet those requirements. Your only resort would be short-term disability, then FMLA.

Thirdly, and I mean this delicately because I don't know you or your situation and I don't mean the following to be overly harsh. Your girlfriend should not be paying your bills. Your mom should not be paying your bills. You are 25 years old. As long as she is single, your girlfriend has no moral obligation to pay your way through life and may choose not to do so at any time. Prepare for this fact because only you are responsible for them. Since your girlfriend has become your benefactor, you really have no basis to criticize, oppose, or worry about the manner in which she pays your bills. Rather than stress and worry over how she is paying your bills, pull yourself together and position yourself so that you are no longer a financial burden to your loved ones. Get your head on straight and work this through as a grown 25-year-old man. Go talk to your company and figure out how you can work together to keep you as an employee. Talking to them will go a long way towards keeping you on the payroll. If you apply for FMLA, they can't fire you and you get half of your salary. Get your body healed up. Get your mind straight towards what you need to do to be independent financially.

In the mean time, go give your girlfriend a big hug and thank her. Call your mom and thank her too. They are both sacrificing a lot for you.
Gives a man a halo, does mead.

"Here lies The_Jazz: Killed by an ambitious, sparkly, pink butterfly."
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