Originally Posted by Willravel
You mean it's a matter of fact that Saddam was not seeking yellowcake,
Stopping at this point, do you think you know that with absolute certainty?
that in fact the story was fabricated to justify the war, yes?
Assuming less than absolute certainty, how can you conclude the story was fabricated? If the proof is 99% certain and I act on the 1% of uncertainty, why do you take on an air of superiority regarding your judgment? Certainly the odds are in your favor, but factoring in the consequences of being wrong it is possible there is greater value in the 1% choice.
The documents have been repeatedly demonstrated to be forgeries. I just want to make sure we're on the same page. Or in the case in the same reality.
We are not. We will never be on this subject. I understand why, but I can not explain it to you.
Emotion plays no part in truth.
This point of view seems to suggest that emotion is not real. If emotion is real and exists, can it influence "truth"? Perhaps not, but "truth" is rarely known with absolute certainty. I have the opinion, especially in politics, emotion is more important than "truth". I have found the same to be true in business and many others aspects of human existence.
Facts, reached using established and demonstrable methods of deduction, lead to truth.
In most cases it leads to what we believe or accept as truth. Truth is pretty elusive.
You may feel one of myriad ways about the Niger uranium documents, but those emotions have no bearing on whether or not they were fake.
My emotional response is that the documents are not relevant.
I am repeating myself in different ways, and it is not connecting with you. That is why I say I am beyond my capacity to communicate with you on this. My words seem to have no meaning to you. You simply do not accept my "reality". Your position seems to be that if "it" doesn't fit your view of a rational reality, it is not real.
Either they were fake or they were not. We've discovered, via factual evidence, that they were fake. This is objective truth, not subjective interpretation.
The issue is not the documents, the issue is - Saddam attempting to develop or enhance his capacity to destroy innocent life.
---------- Post added at 06:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:13 PM ----------
Originally Posted by aceventura3
I have been in self treatment for a number of years. I have been making progress, however I have been questioning the qualifications of my mental health care provider lately. I think I am going to start self treatments with someone else. Someone more qualified.[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]
You are not talking about Schizophrenia.
Here, this might help.
schizophrenia is not multiple personality disorder
Carry on people,
I'm sorry for the thread jack.
So, you are saying when I go to my self-treatment appointment this afternoon, that I should simply fire my mental health care provider and possibly sue for malpractice? See, I knew I should have been self-treating with a more qualified practitioner. But, then again, the term schizophrenia never came up in the discussions. Aghhh, I am so confused!