the thing about your statement is that it's impossible to know what's going to happen in the future. Foxconn could have had a perfect record as well as a great price point for Apple. They had no idea an employee was going to commit suicide and be linked with them. If the man was beaten and then threatened, there was still no way for Apple to know this was going to happen unless a track record existed.
I'm an apple fan, but this really has nothing to do with Apple, I think it falls soley on Foxconn and it's operations and if there was anything done wrong. If no wrong doing occurred, then both companies are not at fault and business will continue as usual. China and Japan have pretty high suicide rates, so really this could be nothing more than just putting a well known American company in the article to ensure the paper gets some hits.
as far as the whole "don't deal with nations who have bad track records thing.. well that's pretty much impossible.