This isn't really directed at anyone here in particular more at the general reaction of the public at large to the film. Check out LA TImes on how the film has witnessed rapidly diminishing box office revenue and low scores from movie goers:
'Bruno' starts off strong on the box-office runway, then stumbles | Company Town | Los Angeles Times
I've come out of the cellar to ask this question here because it's been bothering me lately and I know this is a good place to get a coherent answer. Full disclosure; I've been a fan of Baron Cohen since well before he had his HBO show. Some of his original Channel 9 UK material when he was just on TV in Britain is his best work.
The times article posits that viewers are put off at all the male nudity. But I think the nudity in Borat was possibly even more gratuitous. The censors left a huge mark on Brüno with all the black boxing. I don't understand why all this is necessary. I'm straight as an arrow, and I merely find it all humorous. I'm sure European versions of the film didn't have all those boxes. Why can't Americans grapple with these issues? Why would an adult, at ease with sex, & sexuality be so viscerally shocked by what is contained in the film? It's obviously an outlandish parody, yet people have such a strong reaction to it.
So that's my question. Why all the hate? Obviously this is connected to a larger question of negativity towards homosexuality at large, but since in is particularly connected to this film I thought this forum was the appropriate place to post.