@SecretMethod: I've always loved Blizzard as a company; hardcore fanboy here. Private BNET servers -is- piracy. It's getting around the whole 'need a unique cd key to play' rule. Which is there...to stop piracy. What reason is there to not play on bnet when you are legally playing it? I think they have a fantastic reputation as a company for releasing quality games and -supporting them even a decade later-.
This isn't 'DRM', EA's stupid-tarded method of combating piracy. They said they intend to introduce LAN-like functionality into BNet 2.0.
Now, you bring up a valid point that they will lose customers that would want to pirate first, play later. However, they have such market share with StarCraft that I don't think this is too big a concern. Tens of millions (although almost half of that from South Korea xD) will probably buy SC2 without LAN functionality. LAN parties are still around...but the thing is, MOST of those LAN parties have access to the internet. Which means you can still play SC2 at them.
@Gebbing: Your situation is one that will absolutely work with SC2. Just because you don't want to play it online doesn't mean you can't use one of the computers to connect your LAN to BNet 2.0 and get yourselves up and running. Obviously, I'm not entirely sure of the implementation of this, but I'm pretty sure you'll be able to play it as you want. I agree that there are too many hackers and cheaters online, but I find the enhanced gameplay to be worth it. There are many pieces of the game that are hackerfree. (Go DotA with your antihack!)