Originally Posted by Walter Sobchak
I do. I respect a persons right to believe whatever they want. But when that person states their beliefs as fact in a public forum, they open themselves to criticism.
Most people will state their opinion as fact, even if it is their opinion. Classroom, dinner party, wings and beer, opinions are usually stated as fact because they want to be seen as right.
Originally Posted by Walter Sobchak
I will give you that. Still, if something is wrong to the point of being strongly offensive and intellectually dishonest, doesn't that warrant an equally strong response? Calling someone an idiot isn't arrogance if its true.
It may be true, but it's one of those truths that can't be said. You can think it, rage inside about it, but you can't verbalize it in that way. You will not gain an audience to listen to you by being coarse.
It's not about what you have to say, it is how you say it. If you can gain their attention, they will listen, if you open with something that pisses them off, they won't.