Having attended the same Uni as Walter, I beg to differ. Although our mutual mater is a great school, certain departments have a very decided political slant, and an institutional culture of intellectual censorship, harassment and gate-keeping that can be quite disturbing when encountered at close range. Given my own experiences (YMMV), it's likely that he would have caught shit for his statements in any case, regardless of how they were couched. This is a school which continues to teach Carlos Castanada's books not as fiction, satire, or a study in fraud but as Anthropologically-useful FACTS, despite their having been conclusively proven fraudulent (to say nothing of lethally dangerous) over 30 years ago, because the slant of the aforementioned fraud suits the political and cultural prejudices of the head of the Anthropology Dept.
Last edited by The_Dunedan; 07-09-2009 at 05:25 PM..