Horrifyingly, I have sympathy for Bobby Jindal's law.
There's no getting away from the fact that _repeat_ paedophiles are pretty much incurable. There's no regime of meditation and orientation that can rewire that sexual part of the brain.
There was a documentary recently A Place For Paedophiles (you might/will be able to get it from
here) which documents some aspects of a draconian facility in the US, for people who had completed their sentences in prison, but were still not being allowed out onto the streets. There were people there who were undergoing therapy, but still... You don't get the impression that they're reformed. There was also a man who was about to be/had been castrated... He was still disturbing, but the fact that his purely sexual urges will be reduced to almost zero, his urges for domination or power will also be dramatically reduced at least gives you some confidence that his likelihood of recidivism would be reduced.
AFAIK, it's impossible to achieve an erection in the absence of testicles without some testosterone patches and planning hours in advance.
I think, by now, no-one can deny that there is such a tiny hope of reform for paedophiles that death, life incarceration or castration can start to be seen as the only options.